Members Of The Ensemble September 2008

Artistic Director: † Michael Uhl

Michael Uhl is a freelance musician. In addition to a full-time organist, he works sololy in and outside of Berlin. His work with the choruses is a matter of heart. In 2006 he celebrated his 10th birthday with the Marzahner Kammerchor, with the Erk Männer-Vokal-Ensemble the 20th. He accompanies the Berliner Hymnentafel, the twelve men in the tail, on the piano for over 30 years. He is connected in a variety of ways to The Chorverband Berlin (formerly BSB).


1. Chairman: Wolfgang Schulz

2. Chairman:  Doris Kuhrt

Advisory council: Sylke Rotsch


Wolfgang Schulz
Wolfgang Schulz
Erik Vogler
Erik Vogler
Karl Helm
Karl Helm
Bernhard Walker
Bernhard Walker
Herb. Gawinski †
Herb. Gawinski †
Erwin Dentzer
Erwin Dentzer
Jan Gillessen
Jan Gillessen
Herbert Fritz
Herbert Fritz
Helmut Funk
Helmut Funk
Wolfgang Fiege
Wolfgang Fiege
Ronald Schöltzke
Ronald Schöltzke
Michael Bleck
Michael Bleck
Jörg Kramer
Jörg Kramer
Andreas Rieck
Andreas Rieck
Wilhelm Saure
Wilhelm Saure
Wolfgang Meyer †
Wolfg. Meyer †
Gebhard Gerner
Gebhard Gerner